Security and permissions

Nobody outside your organisation can access your data. Only you and your employees have access to your AceRota business account, and you decide who can do what. Third parties, such as accountants, can’t access your AceRota account at all. It’s always AceRota that pushes (provides) data to third parties if required to do so.

AceRota - Security and permissions

Roles and permissions

AceRota provides an easy way to organise user permissions and roles. You stay in control of what people can see and do. It’s up to you if you want to have only one super manager, or assign multiple managers in charge of their own teams.


AceRota users can be in one or multiple teams, and can belong to one or multiple sites. They can belong to zero, one or multiple departments. It’s all up to you.

Example: small business

For a small business, it’s enough to have one manager in charge of everybody. This manager would be allowed to do everything, while other people are only allowed to clock in/out, and book time off.

Example: bigger businesses

For companies with multiple teams, it’s better to have multiple managers, each one in charge of their own team. In addition to this, a super manager will oversee everything.

Mobile and Desktop

Available for all major mobile, tablet and desktop platforms.

Works on iPhone, iPad, Android phone and tablet, MacOS, Windows.