Time theft

In the UK, Time Theft, also known as Time Mischief or Time Fiddling, refers to the deliberate and intentional act of an employee misrepresenting their working hours, typically by claiming to have worked longer than they actually have. This can take various forms, including:

  • Clocking in early or clocking out late without permission
  • Claiming to have worked overtime when they haven’t
  • Falsifying time sheets or attendance records
  • Taking extended breaks or lunches without approval
  • Misusing company facilities for personal purposes during work hours

Time Theft can result in financial losses for employers, as it leads to overpayment of wages and benefits. It can also undermine trust within the workplace and create an unfair competitive environment among colleagues.

Employers have a responsibility to monitor and control working hours accurately, using methods such as biometric time clocks, online attendance systems, or regular checks on employee activity. Employees found guilty of Time Theft may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, depending on the severity of the offence and company policies.

It’s worth noting that some employees might engage in Time Theft due to genuine reasons, such as caring responsibilities or health issues, rather than a deliberate attempt to deceive their employer. In these cases, employers should consider implementing flexible working arrangements or providing support to help employees balance their work and personal life.

AceRota’s automated time-tracking feature helps prevent time theft by accurately recording staff hours worked, making it easier to identify any discrepancies or unauthorised absences. This reduces opportunities for employees to falsify their working hours.

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AceRota streamlines time and attendance management, making it effortless to track employee hours. AceRota offers powerful tools to optimise your rota process, enhancing team productivity.

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